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Run e-commerce remotely from Estonia and save 20%

If you've ever thought of the best place to start your online business, Estonia should definitely be on you list. The most recent survey by The World Bank has revealed stunning insights (link). Estonia is no longer a laggard from the Soviet Era but one of the most advanced digital nation in the world. Even Singapore looks up to the Baltic Nation and gets closer to embrace the approach (link).

Here's just a few fact to get you up to speed:
  • Ease of Doing Business ranks Estonia #18, which is far ahead of Switzerland, Slovenia, Russia, Netherlands, Ukraine, Turkey, Italy, and Spain.
  • Starting a business is faster and simpler than it is in the UAE.
  • Estonian businesses file taxes online, Estonian citizens vote online, Estonia is known as the most digitally advanced nation in the world – 99% of state services are available online(!).
  • Estonia is a world leader in unicorns per capita – Skype, Playtech, Bolt (formerly Taxify), Wise (formerly TransferWise), Pipedrive,, Zego, Gelato, Veriff and Glia are all Estonian companies.
  • Tallinn is #18 least polluted city in the world (link). Right behind Adelaide – trust me, I lived two years Down Under:)
  • No corporate income tax on reinvested profits. Once again, you do not pay a dime on retained earning. How cool is that!?
  • E-residency allows anyone to register a company in the European Union, sign contracts under the EU authority, and pay in EUR within EU.
  • Estonia is a country of 1.3M people. Though langusges such as Estonian, Russian, Finnish, Swedesh, and obviously English are widelty spoken. You will never ever have any problems navigating your business if it's landed in Estonia.

Here are some link with additional information if you happen to be not convinced. yet. [which is highly unlikely]: